Caleb Ogundele is an ICANN, AFRINIC, AFRISIG, and ISOC Fellow. He is involved in Supporting Organisation with ICANN includes the NCSG, NCUC , and NPOC . He currently volunteers his time in NPOC where he currently serves as the Membership Chair. Within the ATLARGE and AFRALO community, He serves as an active member and often contributes in different working groups on policies that affect the resilience and growth of the global Internet. A former team lead of the Information Technology Unit for the University of Ibadan, Distance Learning Centre and currently a Project Manager at the African Academic Network on Internet Policy which is focused on Academic Research, Development and Public Policy Interventions related to the Global Internet.. He serves his local internet community in different fora and capacity building which include but not limited to the ISOC Nigerian Chapter and African Network Operating Group (AFNOG) communities where he participates and volunteered as a Web Technologies Instructor in the AFNOG tutorial sessions. In the past, Caleb has also participated in a number of NgNOG track workshops. Caleb was previously the Programmes Secretary and now currently the President of the ISOC Nigerian Chapter. He possesses a number of industry/professional certifications as well as two Masters degrees in Computer Systems and Information Science both from the University of Ibadan. He is currently a Ph.D candidate with focus on Internet measurements with an intersection on QoS. Caleb’s participation in different fora within the internet space has seen his researched contribution on internet governance policy issues ranging from data privacy, GeoPolitics of Internet Governance, Community Networks and sustainable access, Cyber Security, digital rights, media literacy and Emerging Technologies. Within the AFRINIC ecosystem, Caleb recently finished his term as a member of the Nomination Committee (NoMCoM) and actively contributes to the Policy Working Development Group (PWDG) Within the Nigerian space, Caleb is an active member of the Nigeria Internet Registration Association (NIRA) and the Nigerian Internet Governance Forum(NIGF) Multistakeholder Advisory Group(MAG) and also volunteers his time and skillsets to assist the secretariat during consultations and organization of NIGF events. In recent years, Caleb has actively participated in different Internet governance forum initiatives both Globally, within Africa, and in West Africa. Caleb Ogundele coordinates several initiatives within the Internet Society Nigeria Chapter among which is the inaugural Nigeria School on Internet Governance, different capacity-building webinars, and ISOC Global training initiatives which has seen lots the fellows of participating actively in the global scene